Manipur Civil Service Exam Syllabus: Check Manipur Civil Service Exam Syllabus From Here

Manipur Civil Service Exam Syllabus:

Manipur Public Service Commission’s Manipur Civil Services Combined Competitive Examination Syllabus details are given below….

Syllabus of Manipur Civil Services Combined Competitive Preliminary Examination:

I. General Studies:

i. General Science.
ii. Current events of national and international importance
iii. History of India and Indian National Movement
iv. Indian and World Geography
v. Indian Polity and Economy
vi. General Mental Ability

Questions on General Science will cover general appreciation and understanding of science including matters of everyday observation and experience, as may be expected of a well-educated person who has not made a special study of any particular scientific discipline. In current events, knowledge of significant national and international events will be tested. In History of India, emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic and political aspects. Questions on the Indian National Movement will relate to the nature and character of the nineteenth century resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment of Independence. In Geography, emphasis will be on Geography of India. Questions on the Geography of India will relate to physical, social and economic Geography of the country, including the main features of Indian agricultural and natural resources. Questions on Indian Polity and Economy will test knowledge of the country’s political system and Constitution of India, Panchayati Raj, Social Systems and economic developments in India. On general mental ability, the candidates will be tested on reasoning and analytical abilities.

Syllabus for Main Examination:

A. Compulsory Subjects for Main Examination:

1.English – Compulsory (Main Examination)
2. Essay – Compulsory (Main Examination)
3.General Studies – Compulsory (Main Examination)
Paper I:
(a) History of Modern India and Indian Culture
(b) Geography of India
(c) Indian Polity
(d) Current National issues and topics of social relevance
(a) India and the World
(b) Indian Economy
(c) International Affairs & Institutions
(d) Developments in the field of science & technology, communications and space
(e) Statistical analysis, graphs and diagrams

B. Optional Subjects for Main Examination:
Total number of questions in the question papers of optional subjects will be eight. All questions will carry equal marks. Each paper will be divided into two parts, viz. Part A and Part B, each Part containing four questions. Out of eight questions, five questions are to be attempted. One question in each Part will be compulsory. Candidates will be required to answer three more questions out of the remaining six questions, taking at least one question from each Part. In this way, at least two questions will be attempted from each Part i.e. one compulsory question plus one more.

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