Andaman and Nicobar Police Constable Exam Pattern:
Andaman and Nicobar Police Constable Driver (Executive) exam pattern details are given below….
Exam Pattern: Andaman and Nicobar Police Constable Driver (Executive) examination will consists of three stages, i.e., (i) Physical Endurance Test, (ii) Written Test, (iii) Trade Test and (iv) Interview/ Personality Test.
Physical Endurance Test: All those candidates who qualify physical measurement shall undergo physical endurance test as per the following standards.
(i) High Jump – 4 Feet (in three chances)
(ii). Long Jump – 12 Feet (in three chances)
(iii). Race – One mile in 7 minutes
i. Candidates have to qualify in each event of Physical Endurance Test.
ii. Department candidates who apply against the reserved quota are not required to undergo the process of Physical Measurement and Physical Endurance Tests.
Written Test: All those candidates who qualify the Physical Measurement and Endurance Tests shall be put through a written examination of 60 marks. A question paper covering General Knowledge, Simple Arithmetic and English language. The paper will be set both Hindi and English and the candidate may answer either in Hindi or English. The minimum qualifying marks in the written test will be 30%. All the candidates who obtain 30% marks in the written test will be called for Trade Test.